City Council Meeting Reply – 3.18.24
Date: March 19, 2024
5:23 pm
To: City Council
From: WLHS
Members of City Council;
We would like to offer a correction in the spirit of transparency around a comment delivered tonight (March 18, 2024) at the City Council meeting.
Although correct; during the process of the zoning update, the RRC was not specifically mentioned in the minutes.
However, during the process of the master plan update, a discussion around the RRC is part of two meetings: January 16, 2020 and February 20, 2020
The Planning Committee Member, who also sits on the City RRC Committee would be tasked to implement RRC ‘best practices’ throughout City governance, in this case within the Planning Commission.
The RRC/MEDC grant will fund 75% of the consultants’ fees of the zoning update.
The overall purpose, not directly discussed and minuted anywhere, is that during the process of RRC Certification, the RRC ‘best practices’ must be utilized successfully (and scored by the MEDC RRC Rep – Pablo Majano) in order to obtain access to grants and other funding.
And, as you may or may not be aware, ‘best practice’ 6 is a Land Development obligation.
The City of Harbor Springs will be required to target three possible projects, choose one, create a marketing packet and deliver that land development project to the RRC/MEDC portal for advertisement – out to bid. This is a requirement by MEDC that comes after RRC certification and is the reason the zoning update component is being funded by the MEDC.
Thank-you for your time, and service to the City of Harbor Springs,