Happy New Year – Consider our Non-Profits & how you can help!

  1. Little Traverse Bay Humane Society has been in operation since 1951 and is a non-profit, no-kill, animal welfare organization that rescues 900+ animals a year.  https://ltbhs.org/, 231-347-2396
  1. Northwest Michigan Habitat for Humanity has been constructing, rehabilitating, preserving homes, and providing resources to help families since 1990. https://northwestmihabitat.org, 231-348-6926
  1. The Manna Food Project has operated programs since 1987 including afood bank, food rescue program, weekly food pantry, and the Food 4 Kids backpack program. https://www.mannafoodproject.org,  231-347-8852
  1. Little Traverse Conservancy has been instrumental since 1972 in protecting land, scenic areas, and the natural diversity and beauty of northern Michigan. https://landtrust.org/, 231-347-0991.
  1. Harbor Springs Community Food Pantry is provides food to the food-insecure once a week. It is located in the lower level of Holy Childhood Church Community Center.  https://www.harborspringschamber.com/list/member/harbor-springs-community-food-pantry-8443, 231-526-2017, x143.
  1. Harbor Springs Area Historical Society was founded in 1990 to preserve the history of the Harbor Springs area, and to place a priority on protecting our past and maintaining a legacy for future generations. harborspringshistory.org, 231-526-9771
  1. Harbor Springs Garden Club was established in 1976 as a volunteer organization with now over 100 members who share a passion for gardening, conservation and supporting the local community. https://www.harborspringsgardenclub.org/, 231-242-8322
  1. Harbor Springs Festival of the Book transforms the town into a literary celebration during the group’s premier three-day event. The Festival and a variety of literary events throughout the year inspire readers of all ages. https://www.hsfotb.org , 231-838-2725 
  1. Harbor Springs Farmers Market is a community downtown event that since 2010 has supported local businesses while providing fresh and high quality foods in the area. https://www.harborspringsfarmersmarket.org/, 231-881-1863
  1. Harbor Springs Library has been on the corner of Spring and Main Streets since 1894!They offer books and magazines, free Wi-Fi, use of computers, access to a digital library and the Michigan inter-library loan system, and year-round programming. https://www.harborspringslibrary.org/, 526.2531
  1. Harbor Springs Chamber Foundation promotes and supports local community activities and programs including the Fourth of July fireworks display, Street Musique, and the Car Festival. https://www.harborspringschamber.com/hsacc-foundation 526.7999
  1. Harbor Springs Community Band started in 1993, has toured Europe three times, and performs in Harbor Springs on the waterfront weekly in the summer. All levels of players are welcome. https://www.facebook.com/groups/281764362975 , 231-881-0442.
  1. Northwest Michigan Women’s Club has served the community through local service and educational programs since 1984 and welcomes all women to join.​ https://www.nmiwomensclub.com/ 231-526-0113
  1. The Friendship Center was founded in 1975 to enrich the quality of life and to support independence and vitality for all area older adults through special events, activities and programs. https://thefriendshipcenterofharborsprings.weebly.com/, 231-526-6061
  1. The First Tee of Northern Michigan is a youth development organization that through the game of golf helps kids build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. https://firstteenorthernmichigan.org/ 231-526-3168
  1. Little Traverse Sailors has offered a learn-to-sail program for youth from ages on the waterfront for over 60 years. The program is designed to build skills and a lifelong interest in the sport of sailing in a fun, safe, and supportive environment. https://littletraversesailors.org/, 231-412-0650
  1. The Young Americans have held youth performing arts camps and dinner theatre for 13 years at The Highlands, with all proceeds going to local school art and music programs. https://www.youngamericans.org/youth-program-summercamps/, 951-493-6753
  1. New Beginnings Resale Store offers merchandise at low and reduced prices, providing a the community.  https://newbeginningsresale.com/, 231-348-2980
  1. Rising Hope Equestrian Center works to make horsemanship accessible to the community regardless of ability to pay and offers lessons for all ages, skill levels, and disciplines, including therapeutic riding.https://risinghopeequestriancenter.com/, 231-526-6353
6 Day Social Medial Campaign December 26-December 31, 2024