Who are all the people that run the City ? Lists Under Construction
City Planner John Iacoangeli (Beckett & Raeder) – Reviews Planning Commission submissions; advises the PC and staff on planning/zoning issues; and assists in updating the Master Plan and Zoning Code
City Engineer Benchmark – Provides civil engineering services for the City on public works projects; surveying. Verdantas (formerly GRP) for electric engineering.
City IT Professional Bill McCullough – Serves as support for the City Hall’s information technology. VC3 for the Police Department.
Fire Chief John Cupps – Established by Charter (Sec. 4.10) as an administrative officer of the City; appointed by City Manager (Sec. 2.607 of the Code)
• Sewer Authority – Operates the Harbor Springs area sewer system and includes the City, Village of Alanson, Bear Creek Township, Little Traverse Township, and Littlefield Township.
• Fire Authority – Oversees the fire department for the City and West Traverse, Little Traverse, and Pleasantview townships
• Airport Authority- City owns the airport land in Little Traverse Township and leases it to the Authority to oversee operations. Members include Little Traverse, West Traverse, Bear Creek, and Pleasantview townships, and cities of Petoskey and Harbor Springs.
• Michigan Public Power Agency – Through joint action of two dozen members, plans, develops, acquires and manages energy-related assets and services
• Michigan Municipal Electric Association – An electric trade association that provides communication, legislative, and educational services for the City’s electric department
• Central Dispatch Authority 911 – Oversees dispatch and emergency operations for Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet counties