Boards & Committee Decided in December 2024 for 2025

Updated 12.13.24

 The Applications have been turned in. Thank you to all that are volunteering their time to Harbor Springs! As we get the results of the newly seated members, we will print them here.

Board of Review — 2 open positions
Downtown Development Authority — 4 open positions
Harbor Commission — 2 open positions
Parks and Recreation — 3 open positions
Planning Commission — 3 open positions
Tree Advisory Board — 2 open positions
Zoning Board of Appeals — 3 open positions

In December, City Council will make appointments or reappointments to the following boards and commissions for terms beginning in January 2025.

For the Planning Commission, up to two (2) members can be registered voters of another municipality.

For the Harbor Commission, the members shall represent different groups using or bordering the harbor.

For the Downtown Development Authority, a majority of the board shall have an interest in property located in the downtown district. Otherwise, the other members must be registered voters in the City of Harbor Springs.

Appointments to the Downtown Development Authority/Principal Shopping District and the Planning Commission are made by Mayoral nomination and confirmed by a majority vote of the City Council.

All other board members are appointed by City Council and do not require nomination from the Mayor. City Council strives to appoint members to boards that have the interest and/or background in the board position the applicant is seeking, and Council also aims to create boards with a balance of experienced and new members.

 – Councilmember Appointments appointed November 18, 2024 Meeting


After each election, Council must choose its representation on City boards and commissions.


  • Harbor Commission: The mayor must serve on the HC or appoint a designee. His designee does not need Council confirmation. TOM GRAHAM
  • Downtown Development Authority: The mayor must serve on the DDA. He cannot appoint a designee. TOM GRAHAM
  • Parks & Recreation Board: They mayor appoints a Council member. A majority of the Council must approve his appointment. JAIME MELKE
  • Planning Commission: Council appoints a Council member. A majority of the Council must approve of the appointment. Council must also fix the member’s term on the PC, not to exceed the member’s term of office as a Councilmember. MICHAEL BERHMANN
  • Tree Advisory Board: The mayor must serve on the TAB or appoint a designee. The designee must be a registered voter and a majority of the Council must approve the appointment. TOM GRAHAM
  • Zoning Board of Appeals: The Council by majority vote may appoint a Councilmember to the ZBA, but it does not have to. KATHY MOTCHEL
  • Redevelopment Ready Communities Committee: Council appoints by majority a Councilmember to serve on the RRC Committee. JAMIE MELKE
  • Harbor Springs Sewage Disposal Authority: Council must appoint by majority vote three individuals who live within 20 miles of the city limits of Harbor Springs to this board. In past practice, Council has appointed the Mayor, the City Clerk, and a resident at large. If Council would like to continue this practice, I recommend appointing the Mayor (or a Councilmember) and the City Clerk at this meeting, and then appointing (or reappointing) a citizen at large on December 16. Otherwise, Council could seek three citizens at large to fill this role. WENDY REEVE
  • Harbor Springs Area Fire Authority: The mayor must serve on the Fire Authority.

The City Clerk serves on the Harbor Springs Airport Authority, and the City Manager serves as the City’s appointee to CCE 911 (emergency dispatching) and the Michigan Public Power Agency (MPPA). TOM GRAHAM, NICK WHITTAKER

If you are interested in applying to serve, please read the Boards & Commissions Recruitment Process for more details and submit a Citizen Participation Application. SEE BELOW 
For Tree Board, Parks Board, Zoning Board, and Board of Review, all members must be registered voters of the City of Harbor Springs.
Links below.

Confirmed Open Positions:

Board of Review — 2 open positions
Downtown Development Authority — 4 open positions
Harbor Commission — 2 open positions
Parks and Recreation — 3 open positions
Planning Commission — 3 open positions
Tree Advisory Board — 2 open positions
Zoning Board of Appeals — 3 open positions

Board of Review — 2 open positions

  • Hears protests from taxpayers on assessed property value; settles protests of assessment; corrects clerical errors; and receives homestead applications.
  • Hears appeals of PC and ZA decisions; decides variances

1) Rhonda Troszak , Appointed Member (term expires Dec. 2024)

  2) Richard Babcock, Appointed Alternate (term expires Dec. 2024)

Downtown Development Authority (DDA)— 4 open positions (have 3 here)

  • DDA Director  Becky Goodman– Hired and managed by the Downtown Development Authority Board for the management and improvement of the downtown district

• Analyzes impact of economic changes downtown; promotes orderly economic growth; implements a development plan

3) Sara Eshelbrenner, Appointed Member, Rocking Horse Toy Company (term expires Dec 2024)

4) Gail Brown, (Chair) Appointed Member, Resident (term expires Dec 2024)

5) Nikki Law, Appointed Member, Polished on Main (term expires Dec 2024)

Harbor Commission — 2 open positions.

• Advises Council on matters connected with the operations, supervision, improvement and

maintenance of the harbor and marina

6) Jim Bartlett, Chairman (term expires Dec. 2024)

Kathy Motschall, Mayor’s Designee (term expires Nov. 2024)

7) Karen Strough (term expires Dec. 2024)

Parks and Recreation — 3 open positions (have 2 here)

• Assists Parks department in planning and managing parks and recreation programs, as well as advises Council on parks & recreation issues

 Jamie Melke, City Council Designee (term expires Nov. 2024)

8) Sarah MacLean, Appointed Member, Vice-Chair (term expires Dec. 2024)

Planning Commission — 3 open positions

• Decides on site plans/special land uses; updates Master Plan; approves zoning ordinances

Nancy Rondel, Ex-Officio Member, City Council Designee (term expires Nov. 2024)

11) Bob Thoma, Appointed Member (term expires Dec. 2024)

12) Emily Dube, Appointed Member (term expires Dec. 2024)

13) Rick Tarchinski,  Vice Chair, Appointed Member (term expires Dec. 2024)

Tree Advisory Board — 2 open positions

  • City Arborist Ben Veling – Advises the City Manager and Tree Advisory Board on the management of the City’s tree inventory
  • Assist the Council and Manager with trees, education of tree benefits, tree policies, and maintaining and improving the City’s urban forest

14) Carole Winnard, (term expires Dec. 2024)

15) Tresa Johnson, Vice Chair (term expires Dec. 2024)

Kathy Motschall (term expires Nov. 2024) – Council Representative

Zoning Board of Appeals — 3 open positions

• Hears appeals of PC and ZA decisions; decides variances

16) Madeline Heinz, Alternate – Appointed (term expires Dec. 2024)

Michael Behrmann, Council Representative (term expires Nov. 2024)

17) Bob Thoma, Chair – Appointed (term expires Dec. 2024)

18) Sue Stewart, Vice Chair – Appointed (term expires Dec. 2024)

Development Ready Community 

19) RRC as promised by CM needs – another ‘community member’ (see 5/20/19 CC minutes)

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This is the Recruitment Application Policy – Please Read