Dexter, Michigan 6 years after leaving the RRC
posted 1.27.25. The 2005 Harbor Springs Zoning Code,As Amended through 2022 – Article By Article
Should we further Certify Harbor Springs as a RRC town?
At this time, we believe Harbor Springs is an “engaged” member of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Here is the full document that slide by slide shows the steps a town needs to become “Essential”…
Zoning & how is the MEDC/RRC Status involved – 6 slides
2021 RRC MEDC Slide Show details
Can our town become better? More green?
LEED for Cities and Communities helps local leaders create and operationalize responsible, sustainable and specific plans for natural systems, energy, water, waste, transportation and many other factors that contribute to quality of life—revolutionizing the way…
Letter to Editor – M.Kilbourn About the RRC – Refused at Harbor Light
80 People filled out recent Economic Survey. 13 pages of great answers for & against. The Economic Survey was produced in November 2024. The answers are telling, rewarding the attempts to build Harbor Springs into a full time year round town, and answers that are a warning to not…