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Harbor Springs is beautiful—which is why we’re fighting to preserve it.

Whether that means combatting overdevelopment, protecting its’ natural beauty and historical charming downtown or enhancing our quality of life, we are committed to working together to ensure our home remains the unique and special place it is today.

Thank you to all of the voters, YES and NO for wanting to become  part of Harbor Springs future.
Volunteer and Contact us at WeLoveHarborSprings@gmail.com


The town of Harbor Springs voters repealed Ordinance #439 and this decision will give our town back the right to Decide for ourselves as a community our future within the city, the developments, city density and any loss of oversight in zoning.


By holding town halls, library gatherings and in-person & ZOOM meetings, the voices of community can be heard about opinions, needs, and worries about what is being planned in their neighborhoods.


 It’s time now to organize the planning stages of building a new zoning code that reflects the Master Plan, the Community Surveys and to build new legitimate surveys that will ask the tough questions of the community to provide answers in deciding the towns future. Ask yourself the question – how do you imagine the City for your children and grandchildren?


Here below is the document WLHS provided the City Council and Planning Commission review in May 2024. This was written and presented before the Planning Commission and City Council changed the zoning.


Now with the November vote, and the repeal  – the Planning Commission Chairman needs to explain to the community the premise of each of the zoning changes that will be discussed at these Town Halls and Listening Sessions. Are the reasons for change to build better living conditions, weather resiliency, infrastructure protections, visitors opinions, tourist attractions, downtown businesses expansion for more money into their pockets and the City coffers or reasons like property owners asking the zoning administer to attend to. Are these ideas for envisioning the future? Are they products of the people ? Changing dynamics or ?  A sensible discussion might lead with ” the zoning reforms were based on our findings…”

What is Missing, What Needs to Change, and What We Want

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UPDATE Please join us tonight Thursday at 5:30 PM at City Hall for a Planning Commission meet. Zoom attendees can see and read the captions.

Planning Commission has taken the time to invite the Superintendent, the community needs too to take the time to listen to Brad, discuss families, education and student body growth trends so we really understand first hand where we are and if the school system, the student body and families have needs the zoning code could address to better address goals and objectives of the Master Plan.

Then, we all sit with that information, incorporate the news into the broader discussion of the zoning codes ability to align with goals and objectives of the Master Plan’s goals of affordability, attracting families, the system that funds the School through property taxes, the value of the second home tax base, issues with STRs, the need for low rent apartments then
review areas of the code for hinderances.

Take the time to really talk

Let's talk preamble. A preamble is an introductory statement or section that explains the purpose of something.

Here below is the 2005 Preamble and the 2024 Zoning Code Template
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UPDATE Please join us tonight Thursday at 5:30 PM at City Hall for a Planning Commission meet. Zoom attendees can see and read the captions. 

Planning Commission has taken the time to invite the Superintendent, the community needs too to take the time to listen to Brad, discuss families, education and student body growth trends so we really understand first hand where we are and if the school system, the student body and families have needs the zoning code could address to better address goals and objectives of the Master Plan.

Then, we all sit with that information, incorporate the news into the broader discussion of the zoning codes ability to align with goals and objectives of the Master Plan’s goals of affordability, attracting families, the system that funds the School through property taxes, the value of the second home tax base, issues with STRs, the need for low rent apartments then 
review areas of the code for hinderances. 

Take the time to really talk 

Lets talk preamble. A preamble is an introductory statement or section that explains the purpose of something. 

Here below is the 2005 Preamble and the 2024 Zoning Code TemplateImage attachment
Becoming creative; getting creative; being creative; needing creativity - your choice.....
1 week ago

If you are not able to make it to tonight’s Tuesday Zoning Listening Session at 6-7 pm you may miss out on giving your very important opinions!

Each person - every district must be asked - each HOA contacted and neighborhood deserves to be heard from - consider becoming an activist for your neighbors!

Request the Planning Commission for education on what you need as a property owner to discover and learn about ordinances - those ordinances you want included in the zoning to help preserve and protect Harbor Springs.

One speaker at a meeting said recently that the Planning Commission had already done this work - yet we remind the speaker that the Beckett & Raeder and Planning Commisioners agreement to the zoning choices were rejected in November - and that’s why starting over works.

Ask yourself what kind of town do you want to pass on to your friends and family members - those are the details needed now.

See an earlier FB post for Zoom link !
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